Monday, June 2, 2008

The Amazon Part 1.

Alright, so I'm not so good with the whole updating thing. I've been really busy since I've been home.

Back to that Amazon update I promised.

May 5th 2008
Salvador --> Amazon

Off to the airport at 8am, hung out at the airport until 10:30 or so, just Tine and I. We got into Sao Paulo around 1-ish, we hung out for a few hours before we met any other exchange students, we also enjoyed some peanut butter, and spent some time enjoying the cool weather outside (when we got off the plane we were like *OMG COLD*. We met up with some other intercambistas, a Canadian and an American, as well as Hector. We eventually found the whole big group and eventually checked in. We got in to Presidente Figuerido at about 3:30am.. ai ai.

May 6th 2008
Presidente Figureido

Woke up 9:30-ish, we had our trip meeting, had lunch in PF and then went trekking, which was fun. We saw some great caves and waterfalls, and went swimming. After we left we went swimming in the rapid close to the hotel which was super fun!! I scratched my leg up, but it was still pretty awesome. We had dinner at the hotel and then just relaxed, I played pool with Emil, Tina and Austin.

May 7th 2008
Presidente Figuerido

up at 7am, on the bus at 8, a few kids (including Tine) missed the bus, oppps! We went to some waterfalls which was awesome, it started raining, but whatever we were wet already right? We went to Balbina, there is a huge hydro electric plant, which formed this huge *tree cemetery*. We also went to an animal reserve, which had lots of manatees. After we went to this HUGE waterfall, the water was going very fast, because it had recently rained a lot.

May 8th 2008
Presidente Figuerido --> Manaus

We left and went to a super nice hotel in Manaus, like 5 stars, amazing. All the flight attendents and pilots stay there, in the evening we made friends with one of the front desk guys, and I asked him Cassio was staying here, he wasn't but hey I tried. During the day we toured around Manaus, went to a few muesuems, we also saw the gourd used to make the round part of the Berimbau. I ended up talking to a really nice girl in one the stores at the hotel, she was 18, had a 2 year old and was married; it was really nice to talk to her, sort of contrast how Amazonia (the state where Manuas is located is different then Bahia. We ordered pizza, which was really good (and better then the $50R a plate dinner served by the hotel haha.

May 9th 2008

Breakfast was AWESOME! I mean not that anything else was expected, but ya, awesome. We went to the opera house which was beautiful, it was built by the rubber barons back in the day, when rubber was the main export of brasil (to the point people sent their laundry to europe to get it done) After lunch we went to a craft market, I got a few cute little things. In the evening we all chilled in the wave pool at the hotel, which was pretty sweet.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Last month

Sorry for the lack of update the last month has flown by!

I was in the Amazon the 5th-15th and I'll post about that in a few days when I'm more settled here.

I'm home now. It was a long flight from Sao Paulo to Halifax. I stayed in Sao Paulo for a few days.

The last month in SSA was good. Lots of fun, not enough sun or beach but it was good. I miss it, but it's good to be home...

Soo Pictures and stuff soon! Check back!